I love building websites, I just find it great fun. I used to work with multi-talented teams of editorial, design and technical staff, to deliver digital solutions for brand owners including Channel 4, Virgin Cars, Audi, Diageo, IBM and Oxfam. Now I enjoy creating simple sites for smaller clients, myself. It's a nice little sideline.
I can offer distinctive and effective websites, with rich media content and fully optimised for search engines, and I can teach you how to update the content yourself, for a very reasonable cost. Take a look at the examples below:
setarehebrahimi.com I worked with Setareh to develop this portfolio site to showcase her many talents. I'm delighted she's so happy with it. Published 2024.
mindfulthanet.com I created this website originally in 2014 and updated it in 2022, with a new brand identity created with Ross Solly of Soll Studio and improved functionality for mobile browsers.
thyroidtrust.org I created the brand identity as well as the full website for this new charity for people affected by thyroid disorders.
patriciamahoney.com The site for writer, Patricia Mahoney.
jamie-moore.com for musician, Jamie Moore.
broadstairstownshed.org.uk This one was a labour of love for a community project I' was involved with from the start, if you'd like to get involved with the Broadstairs Town Shed, or know someone else who might enjoy it, do get in touch with them. A more friendly bunch of Shedders you couldn't wish to meet!
broadstairstownteam.org.uk I built the original site for Broadstairs Town Team. Community Working Together, in 2014. The site is being refreshed in 2021, so soon it won't be by me anymore, but I'm keeping the link on here for sentimental value. I still support the Town Team, what they do is ace! Check them out.
Simple but effective and robust
There are plenty of people who can build you a website. But getting something that looks right - and does what you need it to do - is about much more than just technical ability.
I have a solid understanding of business, design and communications as well as not-for-profit projects.
While the sites I build myself are naturally not as sophisticated as those I would do working with a professional team, they are perfect for small businesses, sole traders, small arts organisations and community initiatives. Naturally I can bring others on board, with additional skills, to work with me on more complex projects, where required.
With many years of managing client relationships and working strategically to achieve business objectives I am skilled at taking and interpreting a brief to ensure you will end up with something you are happy with.
Take a look at the examples on this page, above and below, just a few of the sites I have built so far. Let me know if you'd like to have a no obligation chat about your own website needs.
References available on request. Click here for some testimonials.
Prices may be more affordable than you think and a no obligation initial chat costs nothing. If you want to learn how to update your website yourself using a simple content management system I will teach you. Why not get in touch to discuss your needs?